This might become an obsession

I talked about my bucket list yesterday.

Basically, I love trying new things and I’m currently obsessively researching “how to blog”. I should probably be researching “how to teach STEM” or “how to parent teenagers”. But, I’m not. In the education world people throw around a lot of terms. Like being a lifelong learner. I think that pretty much describes me. I evolve. We could call this story, “the evolution of me”. That would be a great book title someday. Okay…I’m deviating off course. Back to my bucket list.

My bucket list IS ambitious (thanks Mrs. Faxon…that is a perfect word to describe it).

I just feel like I can’t sit by and watch life happen. I need to take the proverbial bull by the horns and make this s**t happen. So, I have an ambitious bucket list. I’m also competitive and determined and goal driven. Let’s break down the 5 things I shared. Today, I’ll start with number one:

Go on The Amazing Race.

I already applied. This year with my principal. Our theme was “teachers can race”. The application video was okay. No…actually, it was bad. Too scripted. Unnatural. I tried really hard to learn my lines. But to tell the truth, I’m just not that kind of person. I’m a dork. I ramble. I laugh. Sometimes I snort when I laugh. I make dumb jokes. The best clips were the ones that were bloopers.

They didn’t even contact us. I’m pretty sure it’s because they’re doing a couples theme, so they couldn’t choose us. Otherwise, of course they would have…duh! We’ll apply again. This time we will just talk. No script. And I’ll tell more science jokes because those seriously make my day.

I’ll upload my favorite clip. And a very scripted one. You can decide for yourself.

Scripted (but we laugh)

My favorite blooper (sorry about your shirt Voni)

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