
Not the ones I own. Not the ones I want to buy. Nope. The shoes that other people wear. Namely the kids I teach. We get caught up in the game of school. The learning of academic subjects and all the "what education is supposed to be" sort of stuff. But today was different. Today … Continue reading Shoes

#33 Dunk Tank

Yes. This happened. I have successfully avoided all forms of large group embarrassment during my years teaching at the middle school. Until this year. Apparently, me blogging 40 adventures before 40 requires me to take on challenges that are WAY out of my comfort zone. Let me share all my excuses first: I like attention. … Continue reading #33 Dunk Tank


I debated posting about the slide on Wednesday. I didn't. It's guilt. It affected my community. My school. One of my former students lost his life in the slide three years ago.  But it's not my story to tell.  I didn't lose my mom or grandma, my brother or sister, my dad or friend or … Continue reading Oso